Counterfiet currency Rejection system in ATM

Problem Statement: In recent days ATM’s are loaded with fake currency and the ATM’s are dispensing them to the customers without checking whether it is fake or genuine because of this act common people are losing their hard earned money and also there is no trace like which ATM dispensed the particular note. Solution/How it works: First method: To overcome the above problem ATM should be fitted with special hardware i.e. fake currency detector to detect each currency note whether it is genuine or fake note. This fake currency detector can be fitted before dispensing mechanism or to each cash chest counters. So while getting the cash from cash chest this fake note detector will scan each currency note for its genuineness. If the note is fake then the note will be collected in the fake currency chest in the ATM itself and it will fetch new currency from the same denomination from the cash chest and scan again. If that note is genuine then it will collect in the ready to...